Mike Bickle

To the saints of God,

I want to commend to you Kirk Bennett as a minister of the Lord. Kirk, his wife Dee and their children, Isaac, Katie, and Abby have been on the IHOP-KC staff from the beginning. His leadership with IHOP-KC is extremely encouraging to our organization. He has served as Director for the IHOP-KC Prophecy Team Ministries and presently serves as a Vice President in IHOP-KC overseeing the Justice Division. Kirk is based here in Kansas City and spends most of his time ministering to the Lord and the body of Christ.

I send Kirk to travel and speak on the IHOP-KC values of prayer, prophecy and justice in the nations. Kirk is a profound teacher carrying godly authority and character. He is carrying a prophetic word for the body of Christ as well as truly speaking with a Forerunner voice! His ministry before the Lord is beneficial for other churches, Houses of Prayer, and cities in the earth. I am endorsing and sending this ministry, 7Thunders, to “empower a generation to manifest Christ.” Throughout the ages missionaries have been sent and supported by saints who perceived it an honor to bless the work of God. I’m asking you to consider joining with me in the prayerful support of this family and ministry. Partner with them in prayer for the bride, the poor, and the nations. Send them with your prayers everywhere that they are called to go. Consider supporting them so that the word of the Lord will run swiftly through the nations. Give them personal encouragement as they’ve depended on God. As you know IHOP-KC has had a continuous prayer meeting since September 19, 1999. This prayer meeting has birthed a missions base so that the great commission will be fulfilled in our day. Will you join me in sending Kirk and Dee and their children in this high calling that God has placed on their lives?

With passion for Jesus,

Mike Bickle

Founder & Senior Leader of The International House of Prayer, Kansas City

Give To 7Thunders

7Thunders in a non profit organization dedicated to funding the next generation into encounters with Jesus as a lifestyle.

The funds donated go to individuals/families living missionary lifestyles, doing missions works with the believing poor in other cities, and training individuals and groups to hear 'the voice '.

We are diligent to see to it that the funds facilitate the "end users" (God's missionaries) doing what they are made to do.