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Demystifying Meditation
In these next paragraphs I took simple meditations on a single bible verse to create a short devotional on meditation on the word of God. In 1997 this simple act of devotional meditation changed my life and impacts God’s people on a daily basis like few other disciplines can.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth…Joshua 1:8
I think when God spoke this verse directly to Joshua a new understanding for the people of God was born. We are to speak the written word of God! The power of God’s word is spoken of many times through the scriptures and human history. It seems that this moment in Joshua’s life was a landmark moment for us all. God desires His word to be our breath our food and our very sustenance. The Word from God’s mouth into our mouths is how we live! We are to keep it going on the inside and the outcome will be perfect or completing for us. Not only that but in the process of keeping it going, we learn about God; His thoughts, His desires, His plans, His hope and our future. What could be more enlightening then the very words from His mouth.
, but you shall meditate in it day and night ,…
Meditation is to mumble over and over again. The meditation of God is called by many the most improving activity to the human spirit, mind, body and soul. That the thoughts of God and thought founded in God goes on continually day and night. They are as sure as the sun rising and setting in their help and hope of new mercies. They sustain us in our hour of need and foster us in our times of aloneness. The meditation of God’s word is as sure to transform us as water, food, or the breathing of air itself.
…that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it…
When we apply this word to our lives and we apply our lives to this word we enter into an agreement. We agree that God is Lord and that He is God that He is a trustworthy leader and that He has better foresight and insight than we have into our very own lives. We ascribe to Jim faithfulness and seek to be faithful followers of the One True Living God. It is the highest wisdom to say yes to the meditation on His word.
…For then you will make your way prosperous , and then you will have good success…
To prosper is to know God. Our prosperity is found first, at the very last of our earthly lives when we are judged faithful and found in Him. God gave us a road map with meditation to the very center of ours, and His, existence. We gain the highest and greatest prize that a man could ever gain when we stay faithful in meditation. We gain Him, as our exceeding and great reward. I would urge you as God did Joshua to meditate on His word day and night.
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